A Time for Courage

For any of you still out there who have endured many weeks of “radio silence”, here is the latest update on Melanie’s condition. Sorry about the extended absence. This blog was a way for Melanie to document the course of her personal journey and make meaning of her experience. I have not been able to maintain it with the same consistency or level of introspection.  Nevertheless, thank you for your continued interest in our family’s welfare and unfailing support through this time of adversity.

We learned on Friday that the cancer has progressed in Melanie’s liver. Although the cancer in the lungs and bones has remained stable, in insidious and inexorable fashion, new cancer lesions have developed on both the left and right lobes of her liver. As a result, Melanie’s condition is now more serious and it is unlikely that further treatment will be able to resolve the spread of metastatic disease in her liver.

We are now transitioning to hospice care to attend to Melanie’s needs and comfort. It is a great blessing that she is not experiencing pain or nausea and remains loving and alert. At this point there is no time frame for the future and we do not know what to fully anticipate with regard to changes in her health. Thus, it is a time for courage for our family, as well as a time for reflection and gratitude for a beautiful life.

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21 Responses to A Time for Courage

  1. DeLite Clegg says:

    Thank you, Jon, for your update. You family is such an inspiration to me. You have been and are going through this with such grace. I am so glad to know the Gospel is true. You are in our prayers, as always. What a blessing to know you and Melanie, she is a beautiful Mother, wife, sister and daughter. Such a tremendous blessing. I love you all.

  2. Julie says:

    Our love and prayers are with your family. It is indeed a time for courage, and for faith and trust.

  3. Carl Clegg says:

    Every day and in every prayer we offer we ask the Lord to bless and comfort Melanie and her family. Melanie has taught us courage, faith, and endurance. We love you Melanie and will continue to pray for you and your family.

  4. I don’t really know Melanie. She is one of my sister’s (Cynthia Simpson’s) friends, but I would see her at the BYU track from time to time. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your faith and love with us. It has been so inspiring to read and to help me cherish every day I have with my family. We are praying for your peace and comfort and blessings. Thank you!

  5. ali hallstrom says:

    We love you guys– know that you are in our frequent thoughts and prayers. We’re wishing you a peaceful and happy Christmas together 🙂

  6. Rob Tonkinson says:

    My heart breaks with yours as I read this. Your family continues to be in my prayers. May the days you have left be filled with peace, joy and love.

  7. girlsmama says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We wish you peace and joy during this time in your lives.

    -The Ribble Family

  8. paola jellings says:

    Dean Kau,

    My words continue to fail me. Please know that even from California, prayers are being said for you and your family. We send you all the love, comfort, and peace.


  9. Kim Christensen says:

    Tears come to my eyes as I read your newest entry and all of a sudden the problems and disappointments in my own life become very small. Your family continues to be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

  10. Mark Frechem says:

    Jon, thank you for updating the blog deespite your obvibelous feelings of ambivalence about doing so. Those of us who know a. nd love Melanie (and you) are appreciative and indebted. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you to write these words.
    Melanie, i have been a terrible friend for 25 years. Nothing can change that. But please believe me when I tell you that I both deeply regret the lapse in communication, and still care very much about you and your family. I have, and will always, feel honored to call you my friend. It is obvious that you and Jon have built a wonderful family and life todgether. Isnt it wonderful to know that all that you have built here has been built not only temporally but eternally as well. Every. Ounce of love that exists between all of you wont “eventually”translate into the eternities,,, theey already exist there. The story of your life is already written in the Heavens, where you may write a sentence or two alone, and then in a “twinkling”you will be again be surrounded by those you love and the story will continue.

  11. McCall Scadlock says:

    Dear Kau Family,
    Sorry to hear the news of Melanie’s condition. I often think of her and the family everyday. Melanie has been a wonderful person that I admire and look up to. I am grateful to have her in my life. Sorry for not keeping in touch with you lately, I wished I could do more to help you guys out. Please call, e-mail, or text me if you need a helping hand or in need of some company. You are in my thoughts and prayers. May peace and love be with you all.
    McCall Scadlock

  12. Kylie Turley says:

    We love you all. We have prayed and will continue to pray for the strengthening power and grace of God to bless you now and in the days and months to come.

  13. Trilby Cope says:

    Thank you Jon for the update. Melanie has remained in our family prayers daily as well as our fasts since we learned of her diagnosis. We have not known how to be of service at this challenging time but have rejoiced in all of the tender mercies and acts of service we have observed from your family members, friends and neighbors. Melanie has always been a source of inspiration to many even before this trial. Her positive attitude, cheerful countenance and grace have been things we have admired about her since we met years ago. Please know of our love for your wonderful family. May you feel our Savior’s arms wrapped around you.
    Bill and Trilby and girls

  14. Tiffany Strong says:

    The Strong’s are all praying for your family. We love you all dearly. Melanie is in our hearts.

  15. Nora Barlow says:

    As always, our love and prayers are with you all. May the atonement and love of our Savior bring you peace during this special Christmas season.

  16. Chalice says:

    Melanie, Jon & Children,

    You have been so strong and have been through so much the past year and a half. It has amazed me and those of us around you how strong you’ve been and how your love has been so amazing and tender through all the trials. Know that you are loved and that our prayers and thoughts are with you, and we hope that in some way we have been able to bring comfort and share your love. Your eternal love has been sealed because of the great love and respect you’ve shown for each other during the wonderful times, the sad times, and the difficult times.

  17. Heather Fenn says:

    Melanie, Jon and Family
    my heart is heavy as i read this most reason development. Melanie is very lucky to have such a loving caring family. It is nice to know that as family is forever no mater what. HOPE you all have a wonderful Christmas. Melanie you have had great courage during all of this. You and your famlly are love by alot of people including me. your are all in my prayers always.

  18. Crystalee says:

    iRyan and I love you all so much.
    My feelings and love are expressed in this post:

  19. Rachel Bryson says:

    I’m so sorry to read this news. We will continue to pray for your peace and comfort. Please know that we think of you all very often.

  20. Steve Connolly says:

    Our thoughts, fasts, and prayers, are offered on behalf of Melanie and her family. Family ties are strong from the Blinn side, even though we don’t get to see each other often. May your Christmas season be memorable, wonderful, and powerful this year. May you feel the love and support of family, from both sides of the veil.

  21. Arlene Conley says:

    Dear Jon and Family,
    I want to express my love and deepest care for you and Melanie. You are all in my prayers and thoughts. You are not alone in this experience and many of us are here for you at a moments notice. Please give Melanie my hugs and love. You all have my devotion, faith and courage during this difficult time. Love to all of you…

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